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Symposium Papers Published in Nanomedicine

Research papers from invited and keynote speakers at this year’s Nano Symposium have now been published in a special showcase issue of Nanomedicine: Exploitation of Functional Nanomaterials in Therapy & Diagnostics.

The scope of this special focus issue is to inform readers about developments in a range of nanomaterials and their applications, such as MRI contrasting agent for diagnostics and therapeutic agents (anti-tumor and anti-malarials).

The contributors to this special focus issue represent early career researchers to experts in their relative research areas and come from across the world. Their collective contributions provide a current and up-to-date research overview of nanomedicine for health and diagnostics, which was one of three important themes in the International Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications, sponsored by Hosokawa Micron Ltd.

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