
New Year, New Website!

We are delighted to announce that our new website is now live, following a significant design refresh, simplification of the user journey and expansion of the content to better reflect our wide-ranging processing and containment equipment, services and expertise.

Visitors to the website can access even more information about our extensive portfolio of equipment. In-depth product descriptions, key features, specifications and complementary resources such as brochures can be effortlessly downloaded, while the equipment ranges can easily be filtered by industry or by technology and application, adding to the user-friendly experience.

The Technologies & Applications section is a great resource for discovering Hosokawa Micron Ltd’s design, engineering and manufacturing expertise for processes including Filling & Weighing, Air Classification, Drying, Mixing & Blending, Size Reduction, Containment and Agglomeration & Compaction. We also profile our range of specialist processing and containment equipment for designing and handling ultra-fine nano particles in our Nanotechnology section, as well as our collection of Laboratory & Pilot Plant instruments and equipment for processing, analysis and particle design.

Search by Industry to find a collated collection of equipment suitable for a huge range of process industries, from Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, to Recycling, Cosmetics and Food and Beverage.

Hosokawa Micron is well-known internationally for excellent service and technical expertise, which is highlighted section by section in the extensive new Services section. Lifecycle Services, Digital Services, Engineering & Technical Consultancy and Equipment and Process Systems Sales all feature, showcasing the various aspects of our customer journey offering, which encompasses everything from Design Studies, Spare Parts and Consumables and Containment Testing, to Hosokawa Gen4, our intelligent software solution for digital transformation, and Contract Manufacturing, an extremely popular service we undertake on behalf of a variety of customers from the food and chemicals industries.

Newcomers to the Hosokawa Micron brand can visit the About section to find out about our parent company, Hosokawa Micron Group – which has offices throughout Europe, Asia/Oceania and the Americas – and information about Hosokawa Micron Ltd itself.

To find out the latest company news and a wide range of interesting articles on the subjects of manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technology, simply visit the News & Events section.

With links to our social media channels, video content, a useful Enquiry Form and contact details, our upgraded website will ensure visitors can easily engage with Hosokawa Micron Ltd as a brand and find out all they need to know about our products and services.

We are sure you’ll find all the information you require right here on the website, but we’d love to hear from you if you wish to give your feedback. Please email info@hmluk.hosokawa.com or contact us on +44 (0)1928 755100.

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