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Hosokawa Speak at Manufacturing Leaders’ Summit

James Moore, Business Manager, Hosokawa Micron will be speaking at the Manufacturing Leaders’ Summit, part of Digital Manufacturing Week, held 13th – 16th November, 2018 at Exhibition Centre Liverpool.

Under a Future-Proof Your Business event banner, James’s presentation is entitled ‘Digital Transformation in the Real World’ and explains how knowledge and experience gained on Hosokawa’s own digital journey is now being used to benefit other manufacturers.

‘It is appropriate for Hosokawa Micron to be part of this event, the largest community of industry pioneers discussing the new age of digital manufacturing. With a toolkit of support activities, we can offer proven, practical help to other businesses achieve real commercial advantages through a journey of digital transformation.

The event provides the opportunity for innovative business leaders to meet their peers, share their stories and grow their understanding of what tools, techniques and technologies are best placed to drive their next period of growth, MLS sets the scene for the future in digital manufacturing.’

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